A range of concrete mould-release release oils – either emulsion, water soluble or neat oil based – for every application, from shuttering to rotational pipe moulding.
A range of concrete mould-release release oils – either emulsion, water soluble or neat oil based – for every application, from shuttering to rotational pipe moulding.
A water-based concentrate that removes inorganic matter from most surfaces, as in rust, mud, concrete etc. and rendering the surface clean. Ideally suited for cleaning concrete moulds.
A suitable liquid primarily used to dissolve alkali and alkaline earth salts. Typical occurrence in granitic products, which are responsible for surface discolouration and stains. The product may be applied manually by means of a cloth, on the stained area. After polishing has taken place, and then allowed to be in contact for a few minutes.
Packaged in 25L plastic drums, 210L drums, 1000L plastic flow bins