Tyre and Car Products

Chemplus Tyre-and-Car-Products

Is a low viscosity colourless fluid, which is capable of imparting a high gloss polish finish on upholstery and dashing. The product is formulated to leave high lustre reflective coating when applied on dash surfaces, as in motor car dashing, etc. The product is applied by brushing, swabbing or rubbing it on the dash surface and, allowing to develop a lustrous surface within a few minutes.

A low viscosity colourless fluid, which is capable of imparting a high gloss polish finish on upholstery and dashing. The product is formulated to leave high lustre reflective coating when applied on dash surfaces, as in motor car dashing, etc. The product is applied by brushing, swabbing or rubbing it on the dash surface and, allowing to develop a lustrous surface within a few minutes.

A low viscosity, water soluble fluid concentrate suitable for rubber tyre fitting operations.  Provides maximum lubricity and corrosion inhibition.